"One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone: and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
-Ida Scott Taylor
‎"Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe. To match your nature with Nature. 

-Joseph Campbell
"God has no religion."
-Mahatma Ghandi
When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth. 
- Rumi
"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."
 -Albert Camus
"Make yourself proud"
 - Peter W. Smith
"You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?"
 - Rumi
"Things don't happen to me. I happen to things!"
 - Winston Churchill
"We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swum up as if rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we have hidden in as if caves. I wish for all this to be marked on by body when I am dead. I believe in such cartography - to be marked by nature, not just to label ourselves on a map like the names of rich men and women on buildings. We are communal histories, communal books. We are not owned or monogamous in our taste or experience." — Michael Ondaatje (The English Patient)"
"Do not doubt your own basic goodness. In spite of all confusion and fear, you are born with a heart that knows what is just, loving, and beautiful."
-Jack Kornfield
“Let there be such oneness between us, that when one cries, the other tastes salt”
"Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth,"You owe me."Look what happens with a love like that.It lights the whole sky." 

"the very best way we can teach our children
to follow the song designed for their soul,
is to follow our own. is to not sell out.
to never sacrifice our own dreams for the sake of another.
by doing this, you will teach those who come after you
to do the same."

-Jen Gray
Finally, strive to be as positive as you can be. Give up complaining and blaming, and look for the best in every situation. Not only will you attract other positive people into your life, you may be the beacon that inspires others to shift their attitudes, as well.
- Jack Canfield
"Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known." 
 A.A. Milne
"Sometimes,' said Pooh, 'the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." 
 A.A. Milne
The way to express our gratitude for life is by being truly alive, not hiding from life in a corner, or watching life pass us by. The biggest fear we have is not the fear of dying, but the fear to be alive, to be ourselves, to say what we feel, to ask for what we want, to say yes when we want to say yes, and no when we want to say no. To express what is in our hearts is to be truly alive. If we pretend to be what we are not, how can we be truly alive?
-Don Miguel Ruiz
"The blessings for which we hunger are not to be found in other places or people. These gifts can only be given to you by yourself. They are at home in the hearth of your soul."
 -John O'Donohue
"I'm realizing over and over again that things always work out. Life is a twisty, bumpy, amazing thing that always seems to come back to center just when I least expect it."
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."
Even at the worst there is a way out, a hidden secret that can turn failure into success and despair into happiness. No situation is so dark that there is not a ray of light. -Norman Vincent Peale
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
-Mark Twain
You are what you think. If you focus on the negative, you will live it out. If you focus on the good and positive things in life, you will experience them.
I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever. 
-Isak Dinesen
Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope. 
~Author Unknown
"....and all i really want to do is be the mother i dreamed i'd be, and give my children a magical, happy childhood."'
-Em Falconbridge
The sun is but a morning star.  
~Henry David Thoreau

"Want to live a life of no regrets? Take a small step, a big step, a holy step in the direction that calls you right now. Diving into this moment with integrity answers everything. There is no past or future. There are no other choices. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has. You have this unbelievable moment."   Tama Kieves
"Forgiveness comes when you give up the hope that you can change the past." - Oprah
Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.

- Hafiz

".....the magic of life exists in the small details, the everyday blessings waiting to be cherished. "
-Kelly Rae Roberts
"Nothing is impossible to a willing heart." - John Heywood
There is no peace without forgiveness. Attack thoughts toward others are attacks on ourselves. - Marianne Williamson
“When someone is angry and lashing out at you, as hard at it may be, don't take it personally. It's not about you; it's about what is going on inside of them.” – Denise Marek
The measure of a true friend is how bright she wants you to shine & how high she wants you to fly." 
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.  ~Lily Tomlin
‎"She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short." -Story People
In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.
~ Hans Nouwens
"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."  
-Author unknown 
"When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms." 
-Mary Oliver 
"Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you."
-Eileen Caddy 
"Joy is the simplest form of gratitude."
Karl Barth 
"Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy."
-Sarah Ban Breathnach 

“Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’”
 ~ The Talmud
"We must return optimism to our parenting. To focus on the joys, not the hassles; the love, not the disappointments; the common sense, not the complexities." - Fred G. Gosman
"There is more to life than increasing its speed." 
 -Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony."
 – Mahatma Gandhi
"Your breathing is your greatest friend. Return to it in all your troubles and you will find comfort and guidance.."
 – The Teaching of Buddhist Master
"Your true nature is purity, peace and joy." 
Sathya Sai Baba 

Your intention rules your life and determines the outcome. 
What I know for sure is that you feel real joy in direct proportion to how connected you are to living your truth.
-Oprah Winfrey 
The world is extremely interesting to a joyful soul.
-Alexandra Stoddard 
May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and every window open to great possibility.
-Mary Anne Radmacher 
True joy results when we become aware of our connectedness to everything.
-Paul Pearsall 
As you express joy, you draw it out of those you meet, creating joyful people and joyful events. The greater the joy you express, the more joy you experience.
-Arnold Patent 
Where there is love there is life.
-Mahatma Gandhi 
Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.
-Mahatma Gandhi 
We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end.
Benjamin Disraeli 
Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery 
When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes other feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.
-Dalai Lama 
I feel that the essence of spiritual practice is your attitude toward others. When you have a pure, sincere motivation, then you have right attitude toward others based on kindness, compassion, love and respect.
-Dalai Lama 
Wouldn’t it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you would do just about anything if you knew it would make you happy? This is precisely how much life loves you and wants you to nurture yourself. The deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth. They you can enjoy a lifelong love affair that brings you the richest fulfillment from inside out.
-Alan Cohen 
Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other.
-Judy Collins 
Love is the substance of all life. Everything is connected in love, absolutely everything.
-Julia Cameron
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
-Emily Brontë 
"May everyone be happy and safe, and may their hearts be filled with joy." -Buddha 
A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we’re two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we’ve found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life. 
-Richard Bach
"Even if you live to be 100, it's really a very short time.  So why not spend it undergoing this process of evolution, of opening your mind and heart, connecting with your true nature-rather that getting better and better at fixing, grasping, freezing, closing down." 
-Pema Chodron   
“The moment in between what you once were, and who you are now becoming,
is where the dance of life really takes place.”
-Barbara De Angelis
The greatest gift you can give yourself is joy, not only because of the feeling that goes with it at the moment, but because of the magnificent experience it will draw to you. It will produce wonders in your life.
-Jack Boland 

Joy is your birthright.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach 
Begin today. Declare outloud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach 
Be a dynamo of irrepressible joy!

Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
-Karl Barth 
Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach 
"Don't rely on someone else for your happiness
and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for 
that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no 
one else will be able to make that happen. 

Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as you see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different."

-Stacey Charter

"Take a day to heal from the lies you've told yourself and the ones that 
have been told to you."
-Maya Angelou
"Your treasure house is within; it contains all you'll ever need." -Hui-Hai
"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center."
-Kurt Vonnegut
"Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people that are reckless with yours." 
-Kurt Vonnegut
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." -Alan Watts
Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
- Marcel Proust
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
- Denis Waitley
Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
- Kahlil Gibran
"Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, 
all you have is all you need."
-Sarah Ban Breathnach

Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people’s souls.
-Melody Beattie
If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.
- Eleonora Duse

"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." 
Carl Gustav Jung
"There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you."
Steve Maraboli 

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.
M. Scott Peck
"My only advice is to stay aware, listen carefully and yell for help if you need it." -Judy Blume
 "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return."  - Mary Jean Iron
"Every object, every being, is a jar full of delight."

"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying...I will try again tomorrow."  -Mary Anne Radmacher
"Have compassion for everyone you meet, even when they don't want it. What seems conceit, bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone."
-Miller Williams
"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair." -Mumford & Sons "After the storm"
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
-A. A. Milne

"The things that make me different are the things that make me."  -A. A. Milne
"A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." 

Kurt Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan
May I never not be frisky,
May I never not be risque.

May my ashes, when you have them, friend,
and give them to the ocean,

leap in the froth of the waves,
still loving movement,

still ready, beyond all else,
to dance for the world.

-Mary Oliver, Prayer.
I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am. -Sylvia Plath
"Control, apparently, is not the answer.  People who need certainty in their lives are less likely to make art that is risky, subversive, complicated, iffy, suggestive or spontaneous.  What's really needed is nothing more than a broad sense of what you are looking for, some strategy for how to find it, and an overriding willingness to embrace mistakes and surprises along the way.  Simply put, making art is chancy - it doesn't mix well with predictability.  Uncertainty is the essential, inevitable and all-pervasive companion to your desire to make art.  And tolerance for uncertainty is the prerequisite to succeeding."  ~Art & Fear
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”  ~Goethe
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.”  ~Mark Twain
"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality.  If you can dream it, you can make it so."  ~Belva Davis
"Our suffering comes from the fact that we are attached to the outer form that something assumes in a given instant rather than the movable conversation that stands behind it.  Keeping up with what is occurring rather than lagging and getting caught in things that no longer exist, is one of the the great disciplines of life."  ~David Whyte, The Three Marriages 
“Nothing is secure but life, transition, the energizing spirit.”  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The artist is nothing without gift, but gift is nothing without work." ~Emile Zola
"Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself."  ~Zen Proverb
We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine.
Dwight L. Moody

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. 
-Kahlil Gibran
“Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever”.  -Isak Dinesen
“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”
-A.A. Milne
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
-Ferdinand Foch
May you live every day of your life.
- Jonathan Swift
"Home is where they love you."
-Seen on a wooden sign in someone's home
Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.-
Ruth Ann Schabacker
"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"
-Marianne Williamson
Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.
-Albert Einstein
"One day a long time from now you'll cease to care anymore about whom you please or what anybody says about you. That's when you'll do your best work. " - J.D. Salinger
"One of our chief needs as creative beings is support." -Julia Cameron
"No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, & the roots spring up & make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves."     -Amelia Earhart

"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." -Ashley Smith
"Not only is your story worth telling, but it can be told in words so painstakingly eloquent that it becomes a song."  -Gloria Naylor 

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." -Carl Jung
"As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world." ~Adabella Radici
If we develop an attitude of entitlement, we may receive an enormous amount, but never notice. The result may be that others stop giving to us because their gifts seem so invisible and devalued.

-Carol S. Pearson
Desire, ask, believe, receive.
Stella Terrill Mann
Live with intention. Walk to the edge.
Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon.
Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn. Do what you love. 
Live as if this is all there is.
Mary Anne Radmacher
When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.
“If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.” – Win Borden
Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

-- Mary Oliver
Our deepest wishes are whispers 
of our authentic selves. 
We must learn to respect them. 
We must learn to listen.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches of the same tree.
W.B. Yeats
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
-Frank Herbert, Dune
“Through the blackest night, morning gently tiptoes, feeling its way to dawn.”~Robert Brault

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love." -Washington Irving

"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are." ~Marianne Williamson 
 "Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals human spirit." - E.E. Cummings